A river of emotions is experienced throughout a lifetime, just like the seasons’ cycle.
12 months as 12 thoughts, one year as one being. We continue the thought journey by celebrating the month of December with the theme of Caring as December thought.
Caring sets the intention for us to connect with our surroundings.
Caring about others builds friendships.
Being together within our family expresses our care towards them.
Showing empathy to others occurs as a result of us caring for them.
Travelling to different places revives our sense of caring for other cultures’ customs and traditions.
Caring and love go hand in hand.
Listening is a form of caring.
Caring involves looking at others through the lenses of compassion.
We make the wisest decisions when being in a state of caring.
Standing up for those in need involves caring about them.
Recognising the virtues of those around us is a sign of our care towards them and towards ourselves.
Caring is about inspiring others through our actions, and it enables us to 'be the change we want to see in our world.' (Quote belonging to Mahatma Gandhi)
Winter is the time for introspection. It invites us to share stories on music that awakens our emotions and memories.
After a year, the 12 Thoughts project has come to an end. It has been an amazingly creative and challenging experience for me, through which I have learnt a lot. Thank you so much for your support!